Functions and Graphs Files
Added 04.08.11
A PowerPoint with examples of undoing repeated multiplication
Added 05.08.11
Manipulate the excel sheet to perform iteractions mapping graphs
Added 05.08.11
Manipulate the Excel controllers to perform iterations of a graph
Added 08.08.11
Excel sheet exploring transforming quadratic functions
Added 04.08.11
A PowerPoint with examples
Added 04.08.11
A PowerPoint with explanations
Added 08.08.11
Manipulate the Excel controllers to explore quadratic graphs
Added 04.08.11
A PowerPoint with explanations
Added 04.08.11
A PowerPoint exploring y=mx+c and connection to gradient and intercept
Added 08.08.11
A PowerPoint with examples
Added 08.08.11
An excel sheet exploring the relationship between intercept and gradient and the function y=mx+c
Added 08.08.11
Interactive excel sheet exploring connections
Added 08.08.11
Quick example and quick fire questions